Family InvolVement
In October, we have Parent Nights when teachers share information about curriculum and daily routines. Childcare is provided that evening, and over time, “Curriculum Night” has evolved into a big pizza party where families have an opportunity for casual conversation with each other and the faculty. Later in the fall, there is an afternoon Gardening Party where families gather on the roof playground to plant bulbs that will bloom in the springtime. Naturally, there is a party in the spring when the flowers are blooming.
Parents often visit the classroom for birthdays or special events, such as class breakfasts and for “viewings” of projects created by the children. MCNS welcomes all parents to share their own talents with their child’s class - whether it’s playing an instrument, baking or teaching the hula.
Parents are encouraged to be closely involved with the staff in any matters concerning their children. Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled three times each school year: One before school starts in September, another in November and the third in March. Teachers are available for conversations throughout the school year.